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Philip van der Eijk
Accessing Ancient Medicine
Der Transfer medizinischer Episteme in den ‘enzyklopädischen’ Sammelwerken der Spätantike (A03)
Edition of Galen’s Quod animi mores corporis temperamenta sequantur (Topoi D-III-E-II-2 )
Galen als Vermittler, Interpret und Vollender der antiken Medizin
Galens Kommentar zu den Hippokratischen Aphorismen
Kairos, Krisis, Rhythmos. Time and Time Awareness in Ancient Medicine
Towards a Galen in English
Untersuchungen zum neuen enzyklopädischen Charakter der Kompilationen des Oribasius, Aetius und Paulus
(Mit) Konflikte(n) umgehen – Conflicts and how to deal with them
Body & Soul (Topoi D-III-E-II-2)
Body-Soul Theories in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (Topoi D-2-4)
Excellence Cluster Topoi
Exhibition (Topoi D-2-5)
GRK 1939: Philosophy, Science and the Sciences
Instable Certainty (Topoi Plus-6)
Localization of intellectual faculties within the body in materialistic theories of soul-body relation (Stoa/Pneumatismus) (Topoi D-2-3)
Localization of Intellectual Faculties: Archigenes and Poseidonios (Topoi D-2-2)
Mapping Body and Soul (Topoi D-2)
Mapping the Soul in the Instrumental Body (Topoi Plus-7)
Mit!Reden – Transdisziplinarität und Partizipation in den Altertumswissenschaften
Nutrition and Nutritive Soul in Aristotle and Aristotelianism (Topoi Plus-5)
Philodemus: Diagnostics and Semiotics (Topoi D-2-1)
Klassische Philologie
Über Uns
Das Berliner Antike-Kolleg