The Performative Appropriation of Past Lifeworlds in Archaeological Open-air Museums

This archaeological sub-project looks at the close network of relationships between archaeologies, ‘re-enactors’ and visitors in archaeological open-air museums and at historical events. The objective is to research, on the one hand, the motives of all participants and, on the other hand, the significance of staging living history. Furthermore, the personal and professional prior knowledge of the re-enactors – i.e. the actors – and their relationship to academic scholarship will be closely examined. Of central interest here are questions regarding the didactic concept of the re-enactors as well as the influence of their performances on museum practices and exhibition conception.

The Stilt-House Museum (Pfahlbaumuseum) in Unteruhldingen, the Museum Village (Museumsdorf) in Düppel and the ‘Roman Festival’ (Römerfest) in Hechingen-Stein will be included in the analysis

Eintrag bearbeitet: 01-10-2024