Oasis Walls, Uzbekistan (Topoi A-I-20)

Research on the architectural form of the oasis wall – as symbolic or factual, but in any case artificial, spatial markings at the transition between two different kinds of landscape (irrigated oasis vs. steppe/desert steppe) and thereby between corresponding ways of life and cultures (settled vs. nomadic) – has great relevance. The relationship of the wall systems to the proven Kurgan necropolises in immediate proximity demands particular consideration. At the same time, it must be assumed that the structures reflect not only political and economic constellations and processes, but also patterns of ideas, whereby the oriental understanding of the city and its “(oasis) environs” differs greatly from the European understanding. In general, the various systems of oasis walls are summarily interpreted as systems of defense against the nomadic steppe; but a large number of questions remain open thereby. The differences between the individual constructions alone suggest that, on principle, explanatory approaches of greater complexity should be applied that also take into account issues of property, the cultivation and taxation of land, and the control of communication routes. At the same time, landscape management measures (for example, to protect against sanding up) should be taken into consideration. Beyond that, the project focuses on dating the individual constructions or phases of construction. Hardly any detailed investigations of this exist. The questions of the date and function of the oasis walls can be answered only on the basis of interregional documentation and analysis.

Eintrag bearbeitet: 07-10-2024