Diagrams (Topoi D-III-1)

Research Group D-III-1 concentrates on the question, in which way space and spatiality is or can be a medium for the representation and gain in knowledge. Already the classical Greek notion diagramma has different interesting connotations, shimmering between geometrical figure, inscription, legal act, schema of tone sequence, and cartographic sketch. It comes as no surprise that numerous projects within Topoi are concerned with diagrammatical objects: with (real or imaginary) maps, notations and scripts (e.g. cuneiform scripts), charts, or drafts.

Spatial-schematic structures play a central role in ancient disciplines, such as geometry, architecture, astronomy, mechanics, painting, or medicine. In the history of knowledge and history of sciences diagrams, as representations of data or facts, which are based on the synthesis of grafic and letters, have been used in various ways and have become a indispensable instrument. Although there are studies on the historical aspects of diagrams, theoretical research on how spatiality, visuality and knowledge are linked in diagrams is due.

Eintrag bearbeitet: 07-10-2024