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Institut für Philosophie, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
A study on orexis in Aristotle’s theory of action
Aristoteles’ Theorie der Seelenteilung (Topoi D-III-E-II-2)
Aristotelian Economics
Aristotle on Parts of the Soul (Topoi D-III-E-II-2)
Body-Soul Theories in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period (Topoi D-2-4)
Cosmology (Topoi D-I-1)
Dialectical Topoi (Topoi D-III-E-II-1)
Exhibition (Topoi D-2-5)
Final causes in Plato’s and Aristotle’s cosmology
Formal theories of bodies and space (Topoi D-3-4)
Greek and Roman Architecture and Cosmological Perceptions
GRK 1939: Philosophy, Science and the Sciences
Immaterial Causes and Physical Space (Topoi D-4)
Instable Certainty (Topoi Plus-6)
Jenseits des Horizonts (Topoi E-CSG-IV)
Johannes Buridans Philosophie des Geistes
Kίνησις. The Structure of Motion in Aristotle’s Physics
Localization of intellectual faculties within the body in materialistic theories of soul-body relation (Stoa/Pneumatismus) (Topoi D-2-3)
Localization of Intellectual Faculties: Archigenes and Poseidonios (Topoi D-2-2)
Ontology of Space (Topoi D-II-1)
Philodemus: Diagnostics and Semiotics (Topoi D-2-1)
Philosophical Issues and Mathematics (Topoi D-3-1)
Philosophical Poetry of Immaterial Causes in the English Renaissance (Topoi D-4-3)
Philosophische Theorien der Seelenvermögen in der späteren Tradition (Topoi D-III-E-II-2)
Place, Space and Motion (Topoi D-II-2)
Place, Space and Motion in Aristotle (Topoi D-II-2)
Place, Space and Motion in Later Platonism (Topoi D-II-2)
Place, Space and Motion in Plato and Middle Platon (Topoi D-II-2)
Power and Possibility in Early Arabic Philosophy
Reincarnaiting through Sports: Plato and the Female Body
Space and Time in Neo-Platonism and Scholasticism (Topoi D-3-2)
Spatiale Entitiäten und ‘topos’ (Topoi D-II-1)
Surveying and Limitation (Topoi B-I-1)
The Epistemic Value of Logos
The First Book of Olympiodorus’ Commentary on Aristotle’s Meteorology (Topoi D-I-1)
The Natural Philosophy of the Mexicas and their Notion of Time in Bernardino de Sahagún’s Nature Encyclopedia of the Florentine Codex
The Priority of Locomotion in Aristotle’s ‘Physics’ (Topoi D-II-2)
The Reception of the Platonic Chora in Middle Platonism (Topoi D-II-2)
The Tradition of the Aristotelian Mechanics (Topoi D-III-3)
The tradition of the Aristotelian Mechanics: Text and Diagrams
The Unmoved Causes of Receptivity: Sense-Perception and Thinking as Passive Activities in Aristotle’s “De Anima”
Transformation and diffusion of science (Topoi D-1-5)
Why Philosophy? Aristotle’s Defense of Philosophy in the Protrepticus
Ökonomie/ Oikonomia (Topoi B-3)
Institut / Fachbereich / Lehrstuhl
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Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Über Uns
Das Berliner Antike-Kolleg