Deir Anba Hadra. A socio-cultural study

The monastery of Anba Hadra is one of the best-preserved monasteries of Egypt and is situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite of modern Aswan. Two main corpora of Coptic inscriptions were found in the monastic precinct which provide information about the monastery’s building history, the religious beliefs of the Copts, the daily life in a monastery in southern Egypt and the use of the Coptic language: funerary stelae as well as graffiti and dipinti. Furthermore, some ostraca and fragments of papyri and parchment came to light during previous excavations but are lost today.

The thesis is part of the Research Group B-4 Space – identity – locality. The construction of knowledge related identity spaces of the Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi.

Eintrag bearbeitet: 30-08-2023