Deixis and Frames of Reference in Hellenistic Dedicatory Epigram

This Ph.D. project focuses on dedicatory epigrams from the Hellenistic era. The work follows the most recent exegetic line in studies on epigrammatic poetry which acknowledges the important relationship between Hellenistic ‘literary’ epigrams and epigraphic poetry. For this reason, inscribed and ‘literary’ examples are considered together. In particular, the analysis focuses on the use of deictic expressions in dedicatory epigrams, i.e. on the use of all those linguistic elements whose meaning and interpretation depend on the spatial and temporal context where they are uttered.

This dissertation project was successfully completed within the Research Group C-1 Deixis and frames of reference: Strategies of perspectivation in language, text, and image of the Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi.

[see also: ]

Eintrag bearbeitet: 01-08-2023