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Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (MPIWG), Berlin
Boltzmannstraße 22
14195 Berlin
Projeke (Trägereinrichtung)
Allegoresis and Etymology in the Greco-Latin Scholarly Traditions
Ancient Babylonian Astronomy
Aristotelization of Antiquity (Topoi D-5-3)
Astral Sciences in Trans-Regional Asia (ASTRA)
Atlas of Innovations (Topoi D-6)
Balances, Steelyards and the Foundation of Mechanics (The Force of the Lever) (Topoi E-CSG-III)
Berliner Zentrum für Wissensgeschichte
Computational History of Science
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative Project (CDLI)
Decoding the Pantheon Columns
Digital Atlas of Innovations
ECHO – Cultural Heritage Online
Efficacious Entities: External Causes and Internal Dispositions in Animals’ and Human Action
Erfahrung in den vormodernen Wissenschaften von Körper und Geist ca. 800–1650
From Technology to Science (Topoi D-5)
Knowledge and Its Resources: Historical Reciprocities (IMPRS)
Mapping Body and Soul (Topoi D-2)
Mapping of Water Technology (Topoi A-3-3)
Mechanics (Topoi D-III-3)
Medieval Astronomical Diagrams
Musawwarat Graffiti Archive
Pneumatic Technology in Antiquity (Topoi D-5-4)
Ptolemy’s Astronomy
Ptolemy’s Geography
Spread of Knowledge (Topoi E-CSG-III)
The Digital Pantheon Project
The Hebrew Translation of Euclid’s “Data”
The Hydraulic Machines in Antiquity: A Reassessment
The unequal-armed balance (Topoi D-5-5)
Weighing as an Early Global Innovation
Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS)
Edition Topoi
Einstein Center Chronoi (ECC)
Episteme in Bewegung (SFB 980)
Establishment of Copernicanism (Topoi E-II)
Excellence Cluster Topoi
Forum – Spatial Data Analysis (Topoi A-SDA)
GRK 1939: Philosophy, Science and the Sciences
Multilingualism (Topoi D-5-2)
On the Origins of the Map of the Iberian Peninsula in Ptolemy’s Geography
Pneumatic Machines and the Constitution of Matter (The Force of Void) (Topoi E-CSG-III)
Space of nature (Topoi D-1)
Strategies of Visualization in German Archaeology, 19th-20th c. (Topoi E-CSG-II)
The globalization of knowledge in antiquity (Topoi D-5-1)
Transformationen der Antike (SFB 644)
Water Management (Topoi A-3)
Institution / Forschungseinrichtung
Ist Teil von
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG)
Über Uns
Das Berliner Antike-Kolleg