Diversity of Spaces (Topoi B-III-2)

Research Group B-III-2 researched forms of political organization and knowledge transfer in early Christendom, which was characterized by plurality and multicentricity. In cooperation with projects from research areas A and B, analysis has being conducted of the extent to which early Christendom developed based on already existing infrastructure, such as the Greek polis, or integrated itself into the infrastructure of the Roman Empire.

Whithin this research group different Christian inscriptions of Asia Minor has been collected in the epigraphic database Inscriptiones Christianae Asiae Minoris (ICAM). This database was extended with remaining areas of Asia Minor and Aegean Area within Topoi 2 research project (B-5-III) Authorization of early Christian knowledge claims in Greece.

Eintrag bearbeitet: 07-08-2024